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The range of Slackboards for different conditions and covering all abilities. These boards can be bought off the peg at your required length or further customised. We'll discuss any requirements based on what you want based on body shape, size, ability, experience, style of surfing, fitness and take into account any other boards you've used.

If you're not sure which boards are suitable to you and the list below looks like a baffling ordeal, then you can learn more by taking the tour 'which board?'.



For knee high to overheard waves.

When going out surfing, this is always a difficult board for me to leave behind. I know it works wherever I'm going and whatever the conditions. I'll take the Freakuency, job done decision made. No need to contemplate anymore about taking this board or that. What if the conditions change when I'm in the water? Or what about the tide changing the waves? So should I take two boards to the beach? No, not any more, that kind of worry is a thing of the past.


The Freakuency has it covered, clean, choppy, small or large days. If it's big, the long continuous rail line all the way back to the pintail gives you a solid base to confidently draw any line you want on the wave. Wide point and more foam slightly forward of the centre line gets you into waves early and into waves in softer, smaller conditions; it makes the most out of your paddle power, maybe you're in a rush to get to a take-off spot; or in an even bigger rush to paddle out of trouble. The wide pin-tail has a generous gliding area, helpful if the wave is small or soft but its a continuous curve, which will give you confidence to turn on larger waves at speed. So an excellent allrounder if you've only got room for 1 board. The underside of the board has a combination of contours to keep the board versatile in small and large conditions; single concave under the front foot lifting the board high in the water when moving fast, giving the board agility and a lightness.

Ride this board around your height.




For up to head high waves: ride it like its pumping. A member of Arcadian soft wave board family.

High Score is a fun board. It attracts fun, so take it out when you're comfortable with the conditions and be experimental on it. Really push your surfing to its limits and then see the improvement. And have fun falling off, remember - if you're not falling you're not trying.


You can use it on days when you wish the waves were stronger. High Score is beefed up with extra foam which makes sure all the energy in the wave is at your disposal and has all the benefits of being a short board, fun! right?


High Score helps you feel you're on a performance board on a quality day, when its not a quality day. The extra gliding surface in the back third harnesses the power in the wave to give speed down the line, and then the rounded tail allows you to bank round and make drawn out turns so as not to lose speed; these two features combined with the generous mid-rails and carbon fibre stringer makes the board recoil out of turns so you're powered up for your next move. Yes, you can come out of turns with more speed than you went in. Love it! love it! love it!

Ride this board a couple of inches shorter than your height.






For waist to overhead waves, or as large a wave as you're comfortable riding. A member of the performance board family.

Whoah!! Whaddya gonna do? This playful board is long and narrow making it stable at speed and is comfy on steep waves, fast beach breaks with their closeouts, long clean walling shoulders and steep wedges. The long tail block keeps the board moving fast over soft sections and even faster over foam and collapsing white water, making it a suitable board to go onto unstable parts of the wave. Get the most out of this board in conditions which are big and powerful but still within your comfort zone.

Leaves wants you to push yourself, accentuate your turns, take off deeper, later, and perfect new moves.


Ride this board 2 to 6 inches above your height.




HELL YEAH! Now we're talking. For waves at your limit and beyond... a member of the performance board family.

Every now and again something comes along which is difficult to define. The applications of this board reach down to surprisingly small waves and the double concave cuts through surface chop whatever the wave size. I take this board out into all conditions and I've not been disappointed yet, but that isn't what we're here to discuss:

Louche has been designed for days when you are surfing in conditions at your limit when you want your board to behave predictably. Louche is refined and carefully transitions the subtle curves, rails, bottom contours and foil from tip to tail to give an overall intuitive and secure feeling.

The full banana rocker ensures there will be a lot of rail in contact with water on very tightly curled waves, providing stability which translates into confidence for the surfer. And the same banana rocker when the rail is engaged on a more open face results in smooth, stylish, carving turns.

There is a subtle rocker flick and vee bottom contour out the tail which isn't noticeable at speed, but when travelling slower on smaller days, when the surfer is in more familiar territory, these features liven up top turns and pivoting off the tail.

Surf Louche at least 6" above your height.





Never ridden a shortboard before? Do it for the first time on Rapture, a member of the Arcadian soft wave board family.

Do you want to learn how to ride a shortboard? Do you want to progress quickly and not waste time? Maybe you got into surfing later than your friends and want to join them, share and ride the same shorter boards as they do. That's okay and possible with Rapture; specifically designed to help people progress quickly and always be fun in small surf.


When learning to surf or transitioning down to ride smaller boards

there's no cutting corners, it does take time, patience and practice. Not all smaller boards are suitable to learn on and in some cases the wrong board can hold you back and slow down your progress. Now that's not because you've found yourself with a 'bad' board necessarily, just unsuitable for you at the moment. 

Rapture makes it quick and easy to learn how to ride a short board. Maybe you're transitioning from a foam board, long board or new to surfing.


There's lots of volume throughout and full rails to make an all-round stable platform to stand on. The higher volume makes paddling quick and wave catching easy. While paddling, the short length takes the ordeal out of turning a bigger, longer board. When learning you want the least cumbersome tool for the job, it's Rapture.





Sick and silly-fast

UP is the fastest, speed generating board in the Arcadian family of boards; a family of boards shaped for soft waves.

When the waves are soft you're trying to wring absolutely every bit of energy out of the wave. If you're on UP, rest assured you're making the most it.


Uncompromised width all the way to the tail for maximum glide. Flat speed section under the front foot; single concave and flatter rocker; Carbon fibre stringer to give recoil coming out of turns and minimising energy loss: every design trick has been used in UP to scoop up any energy in the wave.







Baffled by the variety? narrow your search by taking the tour below:

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